My former roommate Steven called me last weekend. I was sick with a sinus infection and feeling low on energy. Borrowing an imac computer from the university library Steven and I spent our Saturday evening entertaining each other with goofy video options, playing songs, sharing pictures, and surfing the internet in the meantime. He mentioned a possible trip to Philadelphia the following day and promised he'd call me if he decided to follow through.

We always have adventures. Still unable to drive, I am the passenger but also the record keeper of the group. With my handy-dandy camera we are ready for the day. Nothing stops me from recording our journey. Even with the sinus infection, I thought that getting out of the apartment would do me good. Keeping positive when sick is said to speed the healing process. The trip was what I needed.

The weather was gorgeous. It was the perfect part of summer where the weather is changing into a cooler temperature yet the leaves are still green with only their tips browning. On the ride into the city we sang along to Jason Mraz's latest CD. We discussed our love lives, our families, our thoughts. Recently I created a new digital video. The length is the longest yet, reaching a whole 11 minutes and 8 seconds. After seeing it Steven commented on my consistency with making only silent films, and that he'd really like to see me do interviews with people, recording reactions to a controversial topic. I brainstormed on possible ideas, sill I have no current commitments to it.

We parked in Center City and began walking into the historical part of town. I've been to New York more times than I have been to Philadelphia. Steven is the navigator. There was no true objective to our trip other than to be there. We found artistic interests in the texture of buildings and cobble stone roads.

We first entered the liberty bell park. In the center was a group of people protesting the war with signs reading "Pray for Peace." A friend of mine who's current photo assignment was to photograph people without their permission influenced me to do the same.

I do not consider the photographs to be my best, but I am interested in this practice. Even with its cliche aspect, there is something about it that is so strikingly different from all other photographs. I want to continue doing this, not as my primary photographic interest, but just to see where it will take me.

The day was a perfect adventure. We ate dinner at Elvez. We talked the entire time. It was as though he never graduated and it was a normal day for the two of us.